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LTech conference will take place on June 13–14 in Kaunas, A. Mickevičiaus st. 37

Language in the age of artificial intelligence

Conference publications

The scientific conference “Language in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” took place on 13-14 June, 2024.

We are delighted and grateful to all those who were a part of it!

We invite you to submit scientific articles based on the conference presentations.

We will publish selected linguistic articles in the journal “Studies about Languages”. Other selected articles will be published in the peer-reviewed conference proceedings.

Articles can be submitted until 15 September by email:

The template for the articles in Lithuanian and in English is available on this website.

Peer review process

Two independent experts will review each submitted manuscript. The identity of the reviewers and the authors will not be disclosed to either party.

Peer-reviewers assess if the submitted article is an original work that has not been published previously, complies with scientific ethics and is methodologically valid. Peer-reviewers assess whether the article can be accepted for publication without any further changes, whether proofreading is needed or whether the manuscript should be rejected.

Conference materials

About the Conference

Abstract submission is open until April 30th

The Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities at Kaunas University of Technology together with the Lithuanian Museum of Education are organizing a scientific research conference that is aimed to discuss various aspects and issues about the rapid development of language industry and possibilities of artificial intelligence application that change the turn of scientific research, methodological approaches and, at the same time, increase the access of the society to information in native and foreign languages. 

We are cordially inviting specialists and researchers in the area of Philology, Educational Sciences, language and technologies or other to share their experience and insights and take part in resourceful discussions about the use of artificial intelligence in the research of the Lithuanian language, didactics, the impact of machine translation on language, its ethical use, postediting and other. Moreover, debating about the impact of artificial intelligence and global society on the status of the state language and its prestige is planned as well as how to increase the access to language resources of the native language and contribute to the development of information and knowledge society.   

A parallel section in the English language will be also held with interpreting into the Lithuanian language, thus, researchers from other countries are also invited to take part and share their insights about challenges of the artificial intelligence on their native languages, its impact on the global society and research results obtained. 

The conference is supported by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language and the programme for the increase of the Lithuanian language prestige.  

The conference will take part on the 1314th of June, 2024 at Kaunas University of Technology, the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (A. Mickevičiaus g. 37) and the Lithuanian Museum of Education (Vytauto pr. 52). 

  • AI applications in research of Lithuanian and other low-resourced or less-resourced languages;
  • AI use in Lithuanian and other low-resourced language teaching;
  • Impact of AI and global society for the status and prestige of the language;
  • Aspects, trends and expectations of the use of modern languages in media and academic discourse;
  • Impact of AI on machine translation, post-editing, ethics and other.
  • Abstract submission until 30 April, 2024.
  • Notification of acceptance on 5 May, 2024. 
  • Registration of participants until 10 May, 2024.
  • Fee payment until 10 May, 2024 m.
  • Final programme until 20 May, 2024 m.

Participation fee – 80 euros.

Co-author attending the conference – 40 euros.

Co-author not attending the conference but wishing to receive a certificate – 20 euros.

Audience member wishing to receive a certificate – 20 euros.


Name of bank: AB SEB bankas
Address: Gedimino pr. 12, LT-01103 Vilnius, Lithuania
Account number: LT387044060003104481
Company name: Kaunas University of Technology
Address: K. Donelaičio st. 73, LT-44029 Kaunas, Lithuania
Payment purpose: LTech conference fee Surname, Ko039

All participants are invited to submit their abstracts by 30 April, 2024. 

The authors will be notified about the acceptance of their abstracts by 10 May, 2024.

Time for presentations – up to 20 min. Q&A – up to 5 min.

Keynote speakers


Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

A. Mickevičiaus st. 37, LT-44244 Kaunas, Lithuania


Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Ramunė Kasperė, Kaunas University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Jolita Horbačauskienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vilija Celiešienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evelina Jaleniauskienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Saulius Keturakis, Kaunas University of Technology
Asist. Dr. Vilma Linkevičiūtė, Kaunas University of Technology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jurgita Mikelionienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrius Utka, Vytautas Magnus University
Prof. Dr. Christian Mair, Freiburg University (Germany)

Organising Committee

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dainora Maumevičienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Irena Andrulienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Lect. Greta Danilavičienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Lect. Audronė Daubarienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Viktorija Lankauskaitė, Kaunas University of Technology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jurgita Mikelionienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Lect. Jurgita Motiejūnienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Jolita Rudgalvienė, Lithuanian Education Museum

Partners and sponsors

Conference partner – Lithuanian Education Museum

Lithuanian Education Museum logo as link directing to partner's website